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Home | eServices | ePayment | Plan Processing Fees Payment | PopUp Blocker FAQs  
Configuring Your Internet Browser PopUp Blocker  
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  1. Configuring the Chrome Pop-up Blocker
  2. Configuring the Internet Explorer Pop-up Blocker
  3. Configuring the Safari Pop-up Blocker
Configuring the Chrome Pop-up Blocker
  1. Open Chrome.
  2. Click the menu button.
  3. Click Settings > Show Advanced Settings.
  4. Click Content settings under Privacy section.
  5. Scroll down to Pop-ups section > Click on Manage Exceptions.

  6. In the input field for "Pattern" indicate "", select "Allow" under the Action dropdown list and click OK.

  7. Please also add the relevant bank’s sites to your list of allowed sites if you are using the DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Citibank and/or Standard Chartered Bank Internet Banking facilities to make your payment. Otherwise, the relevant transaction pages will not be displayed and the transaction request will not be processed.
    • (For DBS/POSB Account holders)
    • (For UOB Account holders)
    • (For Citibank Account holders)
    • (For OCBC Account holders)
    • (For Plus! Account holders)
    • (For Standard Chartered Account holders)

  8. Click on Close buttons until you return to Chrome to apply the new settings.

Configuring the Internet Explorer Pop-up Blocker
  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. Click Tools in the upper toolbar.
  3. Click Internet Options.
  4. Select the Privacy tab.
  5. Click Settings under “Pop-up Blocker”.

f. In the input field for “Address for website to allow”, indicate “”
and click Add button. The website will be displayed in “Allowed sites” box.

Please also add the relevant bank’s sites to your list of allowed sites if you are using the DBS/POSB, OCBC, UOB, Citibank and/or Standard Chartered Bank Internet Banking facilities to make your payment. Otherwise, the relevant transaction pages will not be displayed and the transaction request will not be processed.

  • (For DBS/POSB Account holders)
  • (For UOB Account holders)
  • (For Citibank Account holders)
  • (For OCBC Account holders)
  • (For Plus! Account holders)
  • (For Standard Chartered Account holders)

g. Click Close and OK to apply the new settings.

Configuring the Safari Pop-up Blocker

a. Open Safari.

b. Click Gear menu.

c. Uncheck "Block Pop-Up Windows".

Note: There is no way to selectively disable the pop-up blocker in Safari. Please check "Block Pop-Up Windows" again after you complete the payment.