
Electronic Builders Licensing and Companies Registration Systems

Please note that you have not been assigned as one of the authorised personnel to access eBACS. To safeguard your company information, only the following users can access the eBACS:

  1. Approved company directors
  2. Personnel who previously registered with eBACS account using SingPass/CorpPass
  3. Personnel assigned by the company in eBACS’ User Management module

To assign staffs from your company to access eBACS, please follow the steps below:

  • Step 1:
    • Option 1 : You can login to eBACS using your company’s UEN number and password
    • Option 2 : Authorised users in the list above can login by their CorpPass account
  • Step 2: Go to "ACCOUNT" and navigate to "USER MANAGEMENT" menu, refer below image

  • Step 3 : Click Add to assign users
  • Step 4 : Authorised users can login by using their CorpPass account

If your company has assigned officers previously, you may search for authorised users listed above . Any authorised user can assign this new personnel to the list.