
ebac logo
uilders Licensing
ompanies Registration

eBACS is an online platform for the following:

Contractors Registry
Provision of construction and related services to Singapore government agencies.

Facilities Management Registry
Provision of facilities management services to Singapore government agencies.

Suppliers Registry
Supply of construction materials to Singapore government agencies.

Builders Licensing
Raise professionalism among builders by requiring minimum standards of management, safety record and financial solvency.

BCA Directory
CRS Requirements, FAQs and Downloadable Forms
BLS Requirements, FAQs and Downloadable Forms

Best viewed in IE 8.0 or above.

© Copyrights 2014. All Rights Reserved.

Terms of Use | Privacy Policy

Login with Singpass (for Directors & Assigned Users ONLY)

Please beware of malware stealing login credentials saved in internet browsers. Stay vigilant against malicious emails that can infect devices with malware. Keep software and security patches up-to-date. Never disclose your passwords and 2FA details to others.
Please do not click on any links if you receive SMSes that appear to be from BCA. Please be assured that BCA will never ask or request for anyone’s personal details via SMS notifications and / or automated phone messages. For any queries / feedback, please visit bca.gov.sg/feedbackform/.

AGD will be introducing the CorpPass as a new corporate digital identity for business entities to transact with the Government agencies online. The CorpPass will replace SingPass-EASY as login option for the EBACS login system after 31 Dec 2017. Please register for CorpPass at www.corppass.gov.sg before 31 December 2017. For assistance, you may contact AGD at CorpPass for Vendors@agd.gov.sg or log a helpdesk ticket at www.vendors.gov.sg under “Feedback”.

To preserve our green environment, all CRS, FMRS, SRS and BLS notification letters will be emailed to your company. Please ensure that your company's email address is valid. You can check and update your company's valid email address by logging in to your eBACS account.

2012 United Nations
Public Service
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