Buildable Solutions for High-Rise Residential Development
Order Form

This publication is a joint effort and collaboration between BCA and a group of private practitioners. It highlights salient issues involved in the use of precast concrete components; with specific mention of in-situ flat plate or precast floor slab with precast facade system as buildable solutions for high rise residential developments. It outlines planning and design process as well as practical considerations that one should be familiar with when dealing with precast concrete components. Good examples of local high-rise building projects were also documented for reference.

Topics covered:
  • Building Framework Floor Slab with Precast Facade System
  • Joints and Connections Between Building Components
  • Interfacing Machanical & Electrical Services Works
  • Managing Precast Concrete Components
  • Current Trends Towards Buildability
  • Case Studies
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(inclusive of GST & postage)
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(by airmail)

Available at :

Building and Construction Authority
2nd storey, Contractors Registry Counter
5 Maxwell Road
Tower Block, MND Complex
Singapore 069110

Personal Particulars:
Name: _________________________ Designation: ____________________
Company: _______________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________ Fax: __________________

 [ ] Payment by cheque/bank draft:
Payee: Building and Construction Authority
Payee’s address: 5 Maxwell Road #16-00 Tower Block, MND Complex, Singapore 069110.
Enclosed cheque/bank draft no.: _____________
Date: __________________________________
Amount(S$): ____________________________

 [ ] Payment by Giro/bank transfer:
Name of Bank: DBS Bank, Shenton Way Branch
Name of A/C: Building and Construction Authority
A/C No.: 01-021871-9
Date of credit: __________________________
Amount credited(S$): _____________________

For more information, please contact Ms Ng Geok Kuan at (65)6325 5068.
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