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Quality Housing Portal (QHP)

The Quality Housing Portal (QHP) is a platform that allows potential homebuyers like you to get information on the past construction workmanship quality performance of developers and builders. It is important to consider the quality segment that a developer belongs to before you make your property purchase.

Quality performances of developers and builders are banded, with Band 1 firms having exemplary track records and Band 6 firms having the poorest track records. Firm bandings are determined based on their Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS) project performance/s over the past 6 years and consideration of valid feedback on
major defects Defects that significantly affect end-users’ safety and liveability, e.g. shattered glass and water leakage.
, providing an indication of consistency in quality delivery. Projects are similarly banded, with Band 1 projects having a very low incidence of major defects and Band 6 having an unsatisfactorily high incidence of major defects.
You can use the search tool to find out bandings of firms and projects.
CONQUAS is the key quality assessment tool used for benchmarking the construction workmanship quality of private residential projects, and is based on sampling within a project.