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Home | eServices | ePayment | Plan Processing Fees Payment  
Plan Processing Fees Payment  
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  1. The Direct Debit and Credit Card e-Payment services allows you to make payment for the following type of application(s) :
    • Plan Fee For Building Plan Submission
    • Plan Fee For Structural Plan Submission

    For Payment of the following type of application(s) :
    • Fee For Express TOP
    • Fee For Waiver Application
    • Plan Fee For Temporary Building Permit
    • Plan Fee For Design Score Submission (Existing Buildings)

    Please proceed to for payment.

    You need to have a valid Internet banking account with Citibank, DBS, UOB, OCBC Plus!, and Credit Card to make use of the e-Payment services.

  2. You also need to have the Project Reference No. (e.g. A1234-00001-2005-BP01/ST001) or e-Submission No. (ES20051213-12345) ready in order to complete this e-Payment process. The Project Reference No. or Submission No. can be found in the transaction acknowledgement email sent to the Qualify Person (QP) and the applicant (as indicated in the application form) after the successful submission of the application.

  3. This form takes about 5 minutes to complete.

  1. You can now download a Payment Receipt after a Plan Fee payment has been transacted successfully. Please look out for the "Download" button after the acknowledgement of your successful transaction.

Note: Fields marked * are mandatory
Please enter project reference number and payment details below. Incomplete/incorrect information will DELAY processing.
Project Ref No*:
Example: A1234-00001-2005-BP01/ST001.
e-Submission No * :
Example: ES20060101-12345
Type of Fees* :
Amount Payable* (S$) : (example: 500 or 500.50 or 1500 or 1500.35)

Payment using Credit Card (VISA/MasterCard) or e-NETS Debit (Internet Banking)


Please provide your particulars for contact purposes
Payer or company name (to show in receipt)* :
Email* :
Contact Number* : Please omit dashes
Remarks :

Please click this radio button to re-generate the plan fee receipt and enter the Project Ref No. below
Project Ref No*:
Example: A1234-00001-2005-BP01/ST001.