
New Announcement
AGM Login:

1. Login Via CorpPass
Using the MCST’s CorpPass Account to access BMSM Portal (click here) to apply.

2. Login Via SingPass
If you don’t have a CorpPass Account, council members should nominate an authorised person with SingPass to access BMSM Portal (Click here) to apply.

Please Note : User ID and Password login access has been discontinued. Please register for CorpPass or SingPass for AGM login.

SVA Login:

Registered surveyor to log in using their SingPass.

Guides for eSVA System
eSVA Submission

Guides for eAGM System
eAGM Submission
Online Nomination Form for SingPass

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    For AGM Login

Nomination form for e-Filing of AGM Information

    For eSVA Login


Welcome to Building Maintenance & Strata Management e-submission portal. This portal is for:
  1. MCST to submit AGM's return
  2. Share Value Allotment
If you are a building owner or logging in on behalf on the building owner or MCST, please log in with your User ID and Password.

If you need any assistance, please contact us at 1800-3425222 (1800-DIAL BCA)

BMSM's Circulars for MCST's Information
  1. Joint Circular on FSPS and CACS by BCA and SCDF (7_Feb_2019)
  2. Fee Revision for Application for Acceptance of Schedule of Strata Units
  3. BMSM Amendment Act issued on 03 December 2018
  4. Joint-Circular by SLA and BCA - Clarification on Date of Constitution of Management Corporation
  5. Notes of Briefing on Amendments to the BMSMA
  6. Summary table for the amendments to the BMSMA
  7. Commencement Circular for the BMSM Amendment Act issued on 03 December 2018
  8. Electronic Filing of AGM Information Of MCST issued on 1st November 2016.
  9. Installation of Safety Grilles at windows and Balconies of a lot - issued on 16 February 2015
  10. Advisory on Control of Renovation Works Involving Demolition of Non-structural Elements (other then floortiles) - issued on 14 January 2014
  11. Installation of Additional Safety Barrier/Grilles at Balcony of a lot - issued on 12 April 2013